Bonkers for Bagan

Bonkers for Bagan

After nearly a month in India, we returned to Bangkok for a short few days, applied for our visas and we're off again to one of the countries I was most looking forward to: Burma. We started our month in Bagan, an ancient capital city with more than 2,000 temples. All in an area of 104 square kilometers (40 sq mi)! And to make it even crazier. They're used to be 10,000 of these temples during the Pagan Kingdom's height between the 11th-13th centuries. 10,000 temples! I can't even begin to imagine what that looked like because with “only” 2,000 of them, it's impossible to look anywhere without seeing dozens.

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India Budget Breakdown

India is a notoriously cheap place to travel and our breakdown below will confirm that. It is a budget backpacker's paradise with $3 rooms, $2 meals, and $0.25 liters of water. We didn't spend at that level, for reasons I'll explain below, but even so India remains the cheapest country we'd spent time in so far.

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Photo Essay: India

Photo Essay: India

2,207: the number of pictures I took in India over a short 24 days. The most out of any country we visited. From people, especially women & their beautiful saris, to street scenes to arches to lattice windows to monuments to carvings to signs to cows & monkeys, India inspired me so much, I couldn't put my camera down. We've shared quite a few pictures with you already, but there were so many more, we decided to add a post packed with photos we didn't already publish. Now, enough talkin', let's get lookin'!

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Yummy Eats (India Edition)

Yummy Eats (India Edition)

India is full of wonders and, without a doubt, one of those is its food. As Tyler previously mentioned, it took us 18 days before we repeated a dish. Not surprising when you see the number of vegetables, meats, & spices Indians like to cook with. We kept a detailed list of everything we tried so we could share with you a few of our favorites meals & those I actually took pictures of...sometimes the food just looked too delicious and I completely forgot. We even showed this list to our fellow train-mate during our trip from Agra to Delhi and he was very impressed with the variety and number of dishes we managed to fit in our short three & a half week trip.

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Tales from Two Pradeshes

Tales from Two Pradeshes

Moving east of Delhi, our spent a week and a half exploring Khajuraho, Orchha, and Agra. Although we knew the architecture we saw would be amazing, we were blown away just as much by the wonderful people we met.

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